This information shows the current range of records and the total number of records.

Result: 21 - 25 of 37 records

These are the example database records (id and titel):

  • 60The phpMyAdmin Project
  • 61Mozilla projects
  • 62SitePoint : New Articles, Fresh Thinking for Web Developement
  • :: Creating Communities
  • - volledig en objectief webhosting overzicht

The navigation() method is showing this kind of links:

First << 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 >> Last

Notice the large number for the current link, you can modify the style using a CSS pseudo class.

The same method then before using number buttons and without forward/backward links:

The back_forward_link() method, shows only for- and backward links (you can use it for small recordsets).

This example is using images:


But you can use the same method with text or symbols too.


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